Historical Entry, Castello Di Miramare

The most beautiflu caste in Trieste in my opinion is the Catello di Miramare. As you can see in photo on top it is surruonded by water. In the castle there lived Maximilian and his wife Charlotte. He discoverd the bay of Grignano while sailing, he looking for some refuge from a great storm. He started constructing it in 1856 it got iits name from awsome sea views. He was living in the castle while the workers were constucting it and he never got to see his gougeous castle. He went to Mexico and there he died... his wife Charlotte died shortly afterwards. Now the castle is a museum for the public. You can go and see exacly were he lived. The castle has beautiful botanic gardens were there are bars in the summer and there is the natural sea water reserve in its surrondings. There are no swimmers or boats -nothing- swimming or passing by it. The fish there are not kept but they can come in or out whenver the want. If you want to know some more about Maximilian here it is: His full name is Maximilian of Hanseburg, he bacame the emperor of Mexico were he died. His garden is 22 achers long and was designed by Archdue Maximilian. On the cliff were the Castle was built on there was no agriculture but now there are various tropical plants. The furniture in the castle is definitly one of a kind and of the time period. The castle is very attractive all time of year.
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